Friday, May 17, 2013


I don’t know if any of you follow me on twitter; you probably don’t since I’m not that entertaining.  If you do, you might have noticed that I have been using #winteriscoming a lot more frequently.  This is a reference from Game of Thrones and it work very well for life in rural Paraguay.  Here’ why…
I hate being cold. I really do.  If I can’t feel my feet, then I guarantee I am in a bad mood.  Now, I understand people that enjoy cold weather because snow is beautiful and they love sitting by a fire and drinking hot chocolate.  They are right.  That is my idea of a good night, especially if you add chili into the mix.  When you are inside an insulated house, with the temperature monitored with central air, and a fire in the den.  That is not the situation I am currently in.  I live in a small brick house with a concrete ‘stucco-esque’ finish. Take the temperature outside and maybe add 2 degrees and that’s the temperature in my house. 
 Winter also means shorter days.  I am not sure that I ever was really aware of what this meant in the states.  Sure it got dark earlier but there are street lights and car have headlight; it never really affected my life.  Here it does.  I am a firm believer that nothing good can come of me wandering around my community when it’s dark out. Peace Corps supports me on this decision, they even encourage it.  I live in rural Paraguay.  There is no such thing as night life within 5 miles of my house, unless I want to get drunk with farmer (don’t worry Dad, I don’t). This is not an issue in the summer when the sun is setting at almost 8pm.  In the winter the sun rises around 6am and sets around 5:30.  That means I have about 11 ½ hour to get human contact in.  It also means that I am confined to my house for around 12 ½ hours a day.   If you know me at all then you know I am a fantastic sleeper but sleeping for half of a day is something that even I don’t want to do.  

This is why I am constantly complaining about the ominous winter that is on its way. I have been told that my first winter in Paraguay was mild; it got below freezing maybe 4 times.  This terrifies me.  Luckily I have already harassed my poor mother into sending me a supply of coffee and winter essentials.  I think she enjoyed realizing that this may be the last package she sends me since I come home in December (yes I am aware that I come back to the state during winter).  

Aside from my fear of winter things are going well in Paraguay.  My women’s group is working on finishing our request for funding for chicken coops.  Unfortunately, we hit a bump in the road when I found out that there is currently no money in the organization from which we were initially requesting funds. This means we need to use a different organization, Peace Corps Partnership.  I was originally against using this source since it places our request on a government website where people can donate.  I did not want to end up soliciting fund from family and friends; however, the project is something I believe in.  This being said prepare to get hit up for money to help fund the project!

I also checked in on my bees and they are doing well! Storing up honey to make it through the winter.  My contact wants to make another bee box and I am hoping that I can hold a lecture on the advantages of more formal beekeeping.  Paraguayans generally go into the woods with some newspaper on fire and hack into a wild beehive with a machete; they get honey, but also a few stings.
My world map is a slow and steady process. I really hate the Pacific Islands, Caribbean Islands, and Canada’ northern border. I am hoping to be able to finish it up this month.  After I finish I’d like to do a geography class.  Most Paraguayans have made fun of me for making this map. Telling me it’s a waste of time.  These same Paraguayans have also told me Paraguay is bigger than the US (false), Spain is in Africa (false), and when asked to locate Paraguay on the map pointed to Zambia (false).  Now, before you all get cocky please remember that about half of the people I talked to prior to leaving for Paraguay thought it was in Africa as well.  

That’s all I’ve got for you this time. Stay warm and enjoy Spring! Also if you did want to follow me on twitter, I'm @flinning

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