Monday, June 24, 2013

Chicken Project



Winter is officially here and I do not like it.  It has been raining for the past 5 days and I have been cold and miserable.  The one good thing that has happened is that Washington approved my grant and posted it to their website!  Back in February I organized the beginning of a group known as, Kuna Kyre’y (hardworking women).  Since then we have received formal recognition from the local government and are requesting it from the departmental level.  The group was formed around the idea of a chicken coop project.  Typically in Paraguay chickens are free to roam and although this makes most of us think free range and great lives for the chickens it is not beneficial to the Paraguayans.  Chickens sleep in trees and are not protected from predators.  They lay their eggs wherever they choose, making it difficult for Paraguayans to collect the eggs. Their egg production is also low due to their lack of nutrition. Paraguayans generally give their chickens only a few handfuls of corn.  This lacks the nutrition that they need to remain healthy.  As a component of this project the Paraguayans will not only build and maintain a chicken coop but they will also grow their own chicken feed.  The members of my group have already planted new bean and corn seed to be ready for their chicks. 

My community is very small. There are around 30 families.  This has been something that I have struggled with during my service but it is also something that causes the community to suffer.  They have been denied funding to put in wells and pipes for running water since there are so few families.  The school has been denied access to different organizations because there are not enough members of the community to ‘justify’ their presence.  This project means a better life for these families.  The members of the group are providing 25% of total requested funds.  They have been making and selling bread, holding raffles, and organizing community events.  They also plan on provided all of the wood used in the project, and to offset the loss of trees in the area they are requesting saplings to replace the lost trees. 

This is where you all come in.  My plan had been to request funding from USAID but they are currently out of funding.  This means that the only other funding source (through Peace Corps) available to my group is Peace Corp Partnership.  This involves writing up a long and tedious grant, with a meticulous budget and timeline.  These projects are all posted to the Peace Corp website and the volunteer’s friends and family help to fund their project.  I had hoped to never write a pleading blog hitting all of you up for money but it has come to this.  Here is what I am asking of you guys: I know that a lot of you are fresh out of college and do not have a lot of money and I understand that (seriously, I get being broke) so just pass the information along.  Email my blog or my project link to someone you think might help.  Like a post on facebook, give me a retweet.  The sooner you guys help me reach this goal the sooner I stop harassing social media sites. 

Since I had to do such a detailed budget I can let you all know where your money would be going; I am going to break down donations into what they represent:

$5 – 4 one day old chicks
$10 – Antiparasite Medicine and Vitamins for 100 chicks
$25 – 2 bags of cement to build the chicken coop
$50 – 1,000 bricks to be used for the chicken coops

$100 – This covers all of the donated materials to make a chicken coop (not including materials and
labor provided by the members)

$325 – Fodderer (because no one is going to grind that much chicken feed by hand)

Also any of these donations buy my love and affection.  I understand you guys not being able to donate much, or even at all.  This project has to get completely funded or the women will not receive any of the money.  Side note: the money will go to fund other projects if mine does not get 100% of the funding.  Please help out! Give what you can!



If that link is not working  you can go to and search my project using my last name (Flinn), the state I am from (Georgia) or my project number (13-526-012).
Help out Ezekiel!

Help provide prettier chickens!

Seriously. Help.